Well, pjtv.com finally did it. They killed the news. We all saw this coming when CNN started trying it years ago but we never thought it would happen this way. We thought it might be the absurd 3D graphs or the Star Wars interviews or even Anderson Cooper's hair. But alas, the final straw was no other than the hiring of "Joe the Plumber" to cover the Israeli-Gaza conflict with a more Israeli perspective. So congrats to all those on the conservative website.

I can't narrow down any one particular reason why this infuriates me so much. I can't determine if it's because the man has never seemed qualified to be granted any designation he has received publicly so far (that's right, the man is not a licensed plumber...scandalous). And yes, I am part of the minority who thinks that all war correspondents should at least have taken a 3 credit course in college (he didn't go) about news writing. For God sakes I would have been satisfied in a course in Intermediate Basket Weaving.

Allow me to state for the record the way CNN (while I was watching) introduced Joe's reason for agreeing to do the international reporting: Joe the Plumber wants to let the average Joes of Israel tell their story.

I think what bothers me most about this is that I find myself on the same side as a man who seems like Mr. Clean forgot his t-shirt and could only find boots, tattered jeans, and a flannel shirt. Am I the only one who thinks about Paris Hilton when I struggle to find a reason for his popularity that seemingly grew out of absolutely no discernible skill except for the shit that seems to surround him (no pun intended...fuck it, the pun is intended).

Either way, I will have to get used to this bullshit until Joe (no, his name is actually Samuel) makes a solo CD and we all can no longer ignore how remarkably untalented he is.

Okay, one last picture.

Wait, one more.

He was hired by a conservative website, not CNN. But good fury otherwise.