I am going to keep this short. There is a line in sports you just don't cross. Then there's a line you don't cross when you are being filmed by dozens of news outlets. I just got word that the guy was suspended by his school. If he hadn't this post would have been much longer. The following YouTube video will let you see what got me real pissed off.
See you next week, wear a mask.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hungry For Sex?
In the interests in full disclosure, I would eat McDonald's nine times out of ten over Burger King. However, I want you to understand that this has nothing to do with my intense confusion and anger over the fabulous new ad campaign. Yes, I am putting forth my two cents on "whopper virgins."

Burger King paid an ad company to send small teams of Americans to "exotic" locations in order to determine the favorite burger. The other of course being the Big Mac. So, I'm sure the ad campaign doesn't even have a hint of being offensive...

Friday, January 9, 2009
Joe the Isrealite

Well, pjtv.com finally did it. They killed the news. We all saw this coming when CNN started trying it years ago but we never thought it would happen this way. We thought it might be the absurd 3D graphs or the Star Wars interviews or even Anderson Cooper's hair. But alas, the final straw was no other than the hiring of "Joe the Plumber" to cover the Israeli-Gaza conflict with a more Israeli perspective. So congrats to all those on the conservative website.

I can't narrow down any one particular reason why this infuriates me so much. I can't determine if it's because the man has never seemed qualified to be granted any designation he has received publicly so far (that's right, the man is not a licensed plumber...scandalous). And yes, I am part of the minority who thinks that all war correspondents should at least have taken a 3 credit course in college (he didn't go) about news writing. For God sakes I would have been satisfied in a course in Intermediate Basket Weaving.

Allow me to state for the record the way CNN (while I was watching) introduced Joe's reason for agreeing to do the international reporting: Joe the Plumber wants to let the average Joes of Israel tell their story.

I think what bothers me most about this is that I find myself on the same side as a man who seems like Mr. Clean forgot his t-shirt and could only find boots, tattered jeans, and a flannel shirt. Am I the only one who thinks about Paris Hilton when I struggle to find a reason for his popularity that seemingly grew out of absolutely no discernible skill except for the shit that seems to surround him (no pun intended...fuck it, the pun is intended).

Either way, I will have to get used to this bullshit until Joe (no, his name is actually Samuel) makes a solo CD and we all can no longer ignore how remarkably untalented he is.

Okay, one last picture.

Wait, one more.

Friday, January 2, 2009
Blagojevich's Hair Blocks Brain Neurons
I would be lying to you now if I said that I have been following Illinois state politics closely over the last few years. However, the unavoidable controversy that Governor Blagojevich has caused in Illinois and the impact it is having national has become to significant to ignore. The FBI has alleged that Blagojevich attempted to sell President-Elect Obama's former Senate seat to the highest bidder he has now, despite urging from Democrats and pundits from all circles, submitted an appointment without a first finding a resolution for this political debacle.
It is unfair for me to make the unfortunately named Governor the subject of this week's post given the other politicians I could have chosen without some further justification. So, allow me to back up a bit and start from a spot which I have arbitrarily chosen as the starting point.
Months ago the Governor spoke on the record in front of dozens of reporters and clearly stated that as a Governor he had nothing to hide and then promptly invited the government to wire-tap his phone conversations in order to verify that it was true. Allow me to repeat that:
Governor Blagojevich asked the FBI to wire-tap his phone.
Now, there is one phrase that has been tossed around a lot. The overly pompous use of sentences to the effect of "now maybe I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember that we have a system of justice that says you are innocent before you are proven guilty." Well, I have a response for that.
No, you idiot.
We have a court system that says that. What we also happen to have is a court of public opinion that says guilty until your expensive defense attorneys get you off and then you are still probably guilty. The Governor has been taking huge steaming piles on the jury of that court ever since the FBI accepted his invitation and recorded hours of conversations about who he could sell the seat to and for how much unless he just nominated himself altogether. I hope somebody tells the Governor at some point that he is being charged with a felony.
The only thing that can save that evidence from being used to utterly embarrass (with the assumption that such a feat is possible with a hairstyle such as his) is if Ashton Kutcher popped out from behind a desk during opening statements and screams, "You just got Punk'd, Your Honor!"

Months ago the Governor spoke on the record in front of dozens of reporters and clearly stated that as a Governor he had nothing to hide and then promptly invited the government to wire-tap his phone conversations in order to verify that it was true. Allow me to repeat that:
Governor Blagojevich asked the FBI to wire-tap his phone.
Now, there is one phrase that has been tossed around a lot. The overly pompous use of sentences to the effect of "now maybe I'm mistaken, but I seem to remember that we have a system of justice that says you are innocent before you are proven guilty." Well, I have a response for that.
No, you idiot.
We have a court system that says that. What we also happen to have is a court of public opinion that says guilty until your expensive defense attorneys get you off and then you are still probably guilty. The Governor has been taking huge steaming piles on the jury of that court ever since the FBI accepted his invitation and recorded hours of conversations about who he could sell the seat to and for how much unless he just nominated himself altogether. I hope somebody tells the Governor at some point that he is being charged with a felony.
The only thing that can save that evidence from being used to utterly embarrass (with the assumption that such a feat is possible with a hairstyle such as his) is if Ashton Kutcher popped out from behind a desk during opening statements and screams, "You just got Punk'd, Your Honor!"

Ok, so let's just ignore the fact that the Governor actually pays money for his hair to look like that and we will even assume that the conversations never happened and he is innocent. I am willing to extend an olive branch that far just long as...
...son of a bitch. So, let me get this straight. Just about every registered democrat has said that you shouldn't even bother appointing anybody after these allegations because of the taint that your name now has and you go and do it anyway by proclaiming it the duty of your office? A little late to start doing things by the book if you ask me. Oh yea, and nice touch with nominating an African-American to fill a seat once occupied by an African-American. What the hell is that? I will give Burris credit for his years of dedicated, ethical service...but his loses points for thinking it was a good idea to accept the appointment now instead of waiting a couple more months. But, I still am not sure if Burris realizes that he is being treated like pawn purely because he fits the two qualifications for Blagojevich of being a) African-American and b) breathing.
...son of a bitch. So, let me get this straight. Just about every registered democrat has said that you shouldn't even bother appointing anybody after these allegations because of the taint that your name now has and you go and do it anyway by proclaiming it the duty of your office? A little late to start doing things by the book if you ask me. Oh yea, and nice touch with nominating an African-American to fill a seat once occupied by an African-American. What the hell is that? I will give Burris credit for his years of dedicated, ethical service...but his loses points for thinking it was a good idea to accept the appointment now instead of waiting a couple more months. But, I still am not sure if Burris realizes that he is being treated like pawn purely because he fits the two qualifications for Blagojevich of being a) African-American and b) breathing.
Am I the only one that is predicting a sad attempt by the Governor to pull some kind of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington re-creation when the Senate refuses to seat appointee Burris? Blagojevich should just be happy that I didn't make the whole post about his illogical hair.
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